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Seeking help for mental health challenges or addiction can be a difficult but important step toward healing. Fortunately, there are numerous organizations and treatment options available to provide support, guidance, and professional care. Whether you’re looking for local meetings, therapy options, or crisis intervention, the following list of resources offers a variety of services to help individuals and families in need.

Alcohol and Drug Recovery Support:

  1. Alcoholics Anonymous (Vicksburg) – Meetings everyday, including a “ladies only” group.
  2. Narcotics Anonymous (Vicksburg) – Includes a 24/7 hotline.
  3. Celebrate Recovery – A safe place to find freedom from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
  4. Beautiful Deliverance Outreach Ministry – safe place to go that can help give people direction with their life.
  5. SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) – Call 1-800-662-4357 for substance treatment info.
  6. Merit Health River Region – Offers detox and inpatient care (5-7 days), 24/7 hotline: (601)-883-3838.
  7. The River City Rescue Mission – Provides help for men in recovery from addiction (low/no income).
  8. Warren-Yazoo Behavioral Health – Offers mental health and chemical dependency treatment, call (601)-634-0181.
  9. Pathway Healthcare – Provides addiction recovery and mental health services.
  10. Renewal House – Christian sober living home for low income men based on 12 step recovery principles including work placement and financial training
  11. Belmont Gardens Recovery Center – Addiction treatment center offering inpatient and outpatient services and individualized treatment.

Mental Health Support:

  1. Grace Christian Counseling Center – Counseling and support, especially for low income, call (601)-636-5703.
  2. Positive Pathways Behavioral Health – Provides short and long-term therapy, case management, and psychiatric services, call (601) 738-5820
  3. Cognitive Development Center – Mental health support, call (601)-883-1771.
  4. Precise Mind – Mental health clinic, call (601)-420-5810.
  5. Counseling and Crisis Intervention Services – Support for mental health crisis issues.
  6. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) – Nonprofit supporting individuals and families.
  7. Mississippi Department of Mental Health – Provides services for mental health, drug addiction, Alzheimer’s, and more, call (601) 359-1288.

Suicide Prevention and Crisis Help:

  1. Mississippi Alliance to End Suicide – Call (601) 301-6677 for help.
  2. Makalia Suicide Prevention – Call (601) 439-1203 for support.
  3. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Available 24/7, call 1-800-273-8255.
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