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Vicksburg Voices Storytelling Workshop

February 8 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Vicksburg Voices
Celebrate Black History Month with us at Catfish Row Museum on Saturday, February 8th at 2 PM as we honor Peter Crosby, the USCT, and Vicksburg’s African American heritage through interactive storytelling and cultural engagement.
What to Expect:
🔹 Engaging storytelling that brings history to life
🔹 Opportunities to share your own stories and experiences
🔹 A shared community experience that fosters intergenerational connection and cultural pride
✨ Featuring Special Guests:
Jerry Mitchell – Investigative journalist
Dr. Wilma E. Mosley Clopton – Filmmaker, storyteller, & educator
Dr. Beth Kruse – Historian
Be part of this powerful community gathering as we reflect, connect, and celebrate Vicksburg’s rich history. Mark your calendar and spread the word!



February 8
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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