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Bicentennial Parade

January 29 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

bicentennial parade
January 29, 2025 marks 200 years from the incorporation of the City of Vicksburg on January 29, 1825. We will celebrate this historic day with a series of events on the actual Bicentennial date and two days following.
We will mark this historic day with a special Downtown Vicksburg parade, celebrating the city’s past, present, and future. More information and float application coming soon.
In a July press conference, city and civic leaders and members of the media gathered for the announcement of five cornerstone bicentennial events, happening throughout 2025. Opening remarks and historical context were given by Mayor George Flaggs, Jr. Then, Visit Vicksburg’s Executive Director, Laura Beth Strickland, revealed the five pillar events of the 2025 bicentennial calendar.

Finally, the Vicksburg 200 Committee unveiled a public installation at Washington Street Park: the addition of “200” on the end of the existing “Vicksburg” sign letters.


January 29
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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