Mark Jones
Mark Jones built a happy life and well-known name for himself doing radio. Most of Vicksburg and the surrounding area will recognize his distinctly warm voice from V105.5 F.M. He’s widely known for his on-air personality and various accomplishments, but there’s far more to this community-driven, music-loving man than meets the eye.
Jones traveled all over, pursued and conquered dreams, raised a family and married his best friend. He’s passionately hosted an annual Christmas Caroling Contest, “unlike anything in the country,” and has helped many individuals find their paths along the way. Although Jones was born blind, he never let a lack of vision stop him from seeing the best in others or anything he does. He’s made incredible strides in radio over the years and has inspired several people throughout his journey.
Jones’s story is one of a man who paved a way and never let anything keep him from chasing after the life he desired.

A dream to host radio
Jones always yearned to be on the air. Today, he can proudly say he’s been doing it a long time, though he didn’t get where he’s at now without a climb. He kicked off in high school when he got his first job at a station in Aberdeen, Mississippi. “That’s all I ever really wanted to do was work in radio. That’s been my lifelong goal,” he said.
As a kid he loved listening to radio, especially the big-time top 40 disc jockeys. That was before F.M. became popular. “A lot of those were very entertaining to listen to and were very talented… And that’s what I wanted to do,” he paused. “Luckily, I got an opportunity.”
Jones went to Millsaps in Jackson and got a job working at WRBC, a top 40 station. “It was a lot of fun doing that,” he recalled. “And that’s how I got started.” It was all uphill from there as he’d begin to do many wonderful things.
He went on to work at KLPL in Lake Providence, “…which no longer exists,” he noted. His next step was in Vicksburg working at WJFL radio on 1490 A.M., a news talk radio which he now owns. He also has another one on 107.7 F.M.
Jones worked at several other places along the way. His career with V105.5 F.M. didn’t come along until years later in 2005 when it was first started.
Behind the voice of V105 is a man who just loves music
Deep down, Jones’ first true love is music. His passion for rhythm and melody is what drove him head on into a career in radio.
“I grew up listening to a couple of stations in Memphis, one of which still exists, WHBQ,” he said. “They were the first station ever to play Elvis. I enjoyed listening to the formats done by a guy named Bill Drake. He developed formats that were pointed towards music… and less talk,” he laughed.
It was an exciting time for radio, which was becoming a way for more music to be shared with the world. Jones enjoyed the musical boom, especially on WHBQ. “It was a fun radio to listen to,” he added.
One might be surprised to learn about some of his favorite music. “I like all different kinds,” said Jones. He lights up when sharing his interest in songs.
Jones mentioned that he likes Pink and some Taylor Swift. He prefers top 40 hits, but said there isn’t much of that around anymore. Sometimes he listens to Classical and country, though relatably doesn’t like all country.
He enjoys rock, doesn’t care for heavy metal, and appreciates adult contemporary. “I kind of go by a song more than by the artist,” he explained. He especially loves Memphis soul.
“I like when it has a good melody or a good beat to it,” he said. Then he mentioned that music is why he got into radio but it’s not what he does now.
Mark Jones brings fun into radio and finds ways to give back to the community
Jones does a Mississippi Music show with Emily Tillman, which is the only time he’s generally on air now except when doing commercials. He also does sales work, writes commercials and generally manages the station. “I wear a lot of hats over here,” he jested.
Two of his projects of passion include the Battle of the Brains promotion and the Christmas Caroling Contest. The Christmas Caroling Contest is always a busy time of year. “He does put his heart and soul into the Contest,” said his wife, Amber, “but he puts his heart and soul into whatever he does.”
This will be the 19th annual Caroling Contest for V105.5. “We’ve given away well over 100,000 dollars in that Caroling Contest and around 25,000 in the Battle of the Brains,” said Jones. “We try to be very community oriented. We also do the Warren Central playoffs with a good broadcast team doing that.”

“He likes to help the community out when we do Battle of the Brains and the Christmas Caroling,” Amber continued. “Yes, it is for the kids but also it’s for the community.”
Mark and Amber Jones are passionate about supporting community. “Mark and I try to help even little stores and things like our clients and customers. We make sure that we go to them first before we go to some other place to shop,” she said.
Blindness has never stopped Mark Jones from doing anything he’s set out to do
“I was born blind,” said Jones, “I can still see sunlight but that’s about it right now. I never could see very much of anything but I don’t really look at it as being too much of a difficulty. You have to do what you have to do but I never have been able to see much.”
Jones encourages others by proclaiming that nothing should hold one back from pursuing success, whatever obstacles one may be facing.
He finds a way no matter what. “I compensate by, you know, if I have to get around places I use a cane. If I need to, I read braille. There’s always ways around things to do it if you have to do it. You adapt to things. You adapt to whatever you have to deal with.”
It’s this can-do attitude that has made Jones into the successful and inspiring man he is today. “You either do it that way or you’re simply unsuccessful. So you have to figure out ways to adapt to whatever your environment hands you and you just go from there,” he said.
Mark Jones has helped and encouraged many people in his lifetime
The thing he is is most proud of is helping people get their start in radio. “Several younger people that I’ve given their first job to… well one of them works at CNN as a T.V. anchor, one of them is a top sales person at a broadcast company. There’s others over the years who I’ve given their first job, and they went on to do very successful things.”
Jones thinks highly of the people he’s met and aided. “I’m always proud of them. I’m proud of giving them a chance to start out and learn and be successful.”
Some people who Jones has worked with and encouraged have even gone on to become celebrities. “You never know what something might become,” he said. His memorable contestants from the Caroling Contest include Vicksburg’s Miss Outstanding Teen, singers who went on to Nashville, and William Michael Morgan.
“I just want to be someone who runs a business that’s ethical and try to treat people right and do what we tell people we are going to do. One of the things I try to do is uplift our community and make Vicksburg a better place to be.”
Family and love have always been very important to Mark Jones
Jones has two sisters and a late brother. He has three sons who now live in Louisiana and a daughter here in Vicksburg. His children are all grown, but he had some special things to say about raising them.
During his interview, babies were fussing in the background, but it didn’t bother Jones any. “I know how that could be,” he said, gently.
“It was interesting,” he went on. “We had three sons who were close in age. That’s why it doesn’t bother me when little kids make noise like it might some people. We had three boys and my daughter, and it’s been fun to just enjoy them. They’re all special to me,” he proclaimed of children.
“My children have all been successful and I’m proud of that. It’s always going to be work when you’re raising kids, you just try to hope that they all turn out well and successful. If they work hard and try, get out there and be positive, they’ll be fine,” he advised.
“It’s good to always set a good example and sometimes they don’t always follow that. Hopefully they learn enough from their parents to go and do the right thing and be honest and respectful to others and make sure they can do well for themselves in life. There’s a lot of aspects to that. I’m proud of all mine and what they’ve been able to accomplish. There’s been disappointments too but you just have to learn to go with the flow and try to help them every way you can.”
Jones isn’t the only one who loves his children. His wife, Amber, feels strongly that family and love are at the forefront of everything good. “His kids are my kids,” she said. “They are half of him so they are part of me. If people love somebody, those kids are half of that spouse and you love them too.”
Mark Jones and his wife, Amber, have a beautiful love story
Mark and Amber Jones have a fairy tale love of their own. They truly found happiness within each other and built a foundation of strength on that love.
They married on July 21 of 2021. “We’ve known each other for 5 years and Mark brought me over here from California,” said Amber. She mentioned that she loves the sunshine but isn’t so much a fan of the Mississippi heat or humidity. Still, she wouldn’t trade being here with Jones for anything.
Jones and Amber have a fondness for Bed and Breakfasts. They officiated their marriage at the very first Bed and Breakfast Jones took Amber to in Natchez.
Both of them have an appreciation for privacy and simplicity. They had a small wedding on the front porch of their beautiful venue. “When we got married the owners actually came in town just for our wedding to witness it,” said Amber. “They never had a couple get married there. They had a lot of proms and senior photos, but never a wedding.”
Amber recalled their special day with such joy and speaks of Mark as though he hung the stars and moon. “The wedding was very sweet,” she said.
She believes that what keeps a relationship happy and strong is to always be supportive.
“Mark and I are committed to each other. We support each other. I help him at the station, help him find clients, whether it’s driving around or finding newspaper or a new company or ribbon cutting. I answer the phone when he’s gone, help him with whatever he needs.”
She said he helps her in every possible way as well. “He truly is wonderful,” she said. “Mark and I make sure that our world is around each other. My priority is Mark, Mark’s priority is me and then it’s everything else. That’s how a relationship needs to work. We do love each other, we do support each other.”
Mark Jones has many great memories, but joked that it would take several articles to tell them
Jones has other interests such as reading and traveling. He enjoys certain things like sports and politics. Social events and being around people are a favorite pass-time. “I enjoy interacting with people in the community,” he said. “I think Vicksburg’s a great place with a lot of good people. People have been good to me and I try to be uplifting to them and be a good friend.”
“Over the years I’ve had a lot of people work for me. Some of them have been very interesting. As employees, I like to treat them well and treat them like family. That’s one of the things I always liked to do. There’s a lot of memories but to go through all of that, it would take several articles,” Jones laughed.
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