A love story to defy time. Photos from James and Colie Hudson
It isn’t every day that a person is lucky enough to find their perfect counterpart in another. Every now and then, however, love gives us a fairy tale. Vicksburg couple, James and Colie Hudson, fell in love 11 years ago. Today, they celebrate six years of marriage and are as crazy about each other as they ever were.

James and Colie met in 2011 during their senior year of high school. “I went to Vicksburg High and he went to St. Al,” said Colie. James said, “My best friend was dating her sister when we graduated high school and that is how I met her.” After being introduced by their mutual friend, they hit it off and became close.
James knew the moment he first saw Colie that she was special and he wanted to be with her. “I can remember sitting in the living room at her parents the first time she walked through the door and it was absolutely love at first sight.” It would take him a while to confess this, but to him, she was the perfect woman.
They both went on to attended Hinds Community College in Raymond, which is where their relationship really began to blossom. Colie didn’t have a car and lived on campus. James commuted to college from Vicksburg every day.
“Some weekends, he’d bring me back home,” she said. “I can remember him getting us ‘lost’ in Utica one time.” She continued, “I had no idea where we were actually at but he did the whole time. He just wanted to spend more time with me!”

Colie recalled how she had no clue back then that they would end up married. James was reportedly a bit shy and it took him time to eventually reveal his true feelings.
On James’ birthday, in August 2013, he finally worked up the courage to ask Colie to be his girlfriend. “It’s crazy to think that we’ve been together a total of 11 years,” Colie exclaimed.

“Time has flown by,” she noted. She and James were young when they got together and were each other’s first serious relationship. “We had our hard times…” she said, “…but we navigated it together.” That’s what’s important.
In life, it isn’t about the challenges you face, but how you grow from and overcome those challenges.
They’ve since learned a lot from and with each other. “We learned to communicate and not be so quick to anger.” Together, they discovered how to fully love and understand one another.

After four years of making memories and dating, James proposed to Colie on Christmas Day.
James popped the big question on the steps of Colie’s parents’ house in 2017. “We were getting ready to leave and head back home when he told me he had another gift for me. Instead of letting me finish carrying our things to the car, he made me set them down, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.”
James later expressed that he got too nervous to ask her in front of everyone, “Which I thought was cute,” Colie recalled fondly. He kept it private and sweet, a special moment between just them. In the end, he got the girl!

The Hudsons at last were married on November 24, 2018 on a hectic Saturday after Thanksgiving. “It’s still by far my favorite memory that we’ve made,” expressed Colie. “James really is my person and I got extremely lucky. Not many people can call their significant other their best friend too.”
The couple is in disbelief that six years have already flown by. “I couldn’t imagine a life without him by my side. We inspire each other every day to do our best, to grow together, to chase our dreams. We support each other completely in all aspects of life. He encourages me to do the things I love (like cosplay) and I the same for him with hunting. There’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with,” said Colie, romantically.

A message from Colie to James:
“James, I love that you are my person and that I am yours. I know that whatever comes our way we will face it together, hand in hand. I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes and I can’t wait to live that adventure with you.”
A message from James to Colie:
James said that his love for Colie was instant the day they first met. “It’s nothing she hasn’t heard before but… She was so beautiful and her smile lit up the room. I remember thinking in that moment, I could see myself spending the rest of my life with this girl. I’d like to thank her for being my best friend, my person, and the sun in my sky.” He smiled as he added, “I tell her that all the time!”
We at Heart of Vicksburg wish you both many more years in love and happiness. Happy anniversary to a beautiful couple!
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